General questions
If you are running Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or a later version of Microsoft Windows, you are eligible to update Microsoft Windows, and in some cases, your computer hardware with the latest drivers through Microsoft's update site, visit
We invoice on monthly basis and payment is due on invoicing.
All prices for solutions, including each seller's or buyer's account balance are in UGX and USD
ERP solutions
eresource ERP is an 100% indigenous ERP solution made exclusively for Indian Manufacturers. A genuine web-based, user-friendly ERP, eresource is with data elements which is required for users in different departments. Eresource ERP enables users to connect on to a central system from all the branches/locations, departments. Its web-capability keeps the cost of maintenance at the lowest level also minimize the infrastructure cost. One of the other highlights of eresource ERP is that the software could be used from more than one location without buying an additional license. Eresource is technology independent. That means, it can work on LAN, WAN, Internet or Intranet.
No. Eresource ERP can be installed and configured on any local server of your office. If a dedicated IP is configured on the local server, all other location can connect on the ERP server by typing the IP on the URL bar of their respective browser